Tuesday, July 14

Goodbye Milwaukee

Hello Raleigh, North Carolina.
We head there on Thursday. It was a last minute decision on the sales people's part. Talk about inconvenience for a pregnant woman. It's only a 15 hour car ride. And a change of 3 plane tickets that APX may or may not pay for.
And the summer continues.


Kat said...

When are you heading back to Utah? I can't remember...

The good news is, Raleigh is awesome. If you have a chance, you should go to Chapel Hill and have a look around. It is the cutest little town. Next to any where in Texas to be closer to my family, I would LOVE to live in North Carolina. (That's where my extended family is...Viginia too.) Have fun! (well, after the car ride, that is.)

Kara and Tyler said...

I love love love love LOVE your new picture! :) Good luck on the drive!!!! You are amazing!!