Tuesday, June 30

All dressed up, and no where to go.

Haley and I both got ready this morning hoping that the boys would take us somewhere awesome. We got to go as far as Jimmy Johns for lunch, and now we're back in the basement watching episodes of the Bachelorette on the computer. Life in Wisconsin is hard.
Is it possible that my nose is getting bigger due to pregnancy?

Saturday, June 27

Look Mom!

I made this all by myself (with Haley's moms instruction). It's a tuna casserole concoction. I layered the top with tons of Frosted Flakes. Oh I cannot wait to come home to your and Judy's yummy meals.

Monday, June 15

Sheshe is coming home

I get to fly home for a doctors appointment tomorrow! It was much cheaper than paying to see a doctor out here. I am missing everyone so much, but I am especially excited to see this little one.

Friday, June 12

Cooking must take practice

Attempt 1:

And attempt 2 above. Waffle irons are very over-rated. It only took me about 30 minutes to get the pancakes just right. 

Haley's 21st Birthday Party

We had as much fun as we could stuck in our basement apartment in Milwaukee. Happy Birthday Haley!

Sunday, June 7

I am one lucky girl

I am convinced that I have the best looking husband in the world. I am not even being biased because he is my husband. He is simply a very handsome man. Not only is he extremely good looking, he is the most thoughtful and trusting person that I have ever known. These qualities and more add up to him being the #1 husband of all time probably. I am one lucky girl. 

Hyrum and I met when I was a Sophmore in high school and he was getting ready to leave on a mission to Brazil.  We didn't date then, but reunited at the funeral of my close friend Jani two years later. We dated on and off (my fault) until I finally realized that I could never date anyone comparable (or as handsome). He proposed and we were married in the Provo temple for all eternity (again, I am one lucky girl). Now one year later, Hyrum still tickles my back every single night while I read out loud from the scriptures. He only asks that in return I scratch his back in sacrament on Sundays (which I most of the time forget to do). He doesn't even push me off his side of his bed while we're sleeping as much anymore. He has faced the fact that I like to sleep directly in the middle of the bed at an angle while we have to be touching. He gets so hot and has no room, yet he lets me do it every night. That is true love. 

Friday, June 5

About me not being able to cook...

I made enchiladas the other night and they were fabulous. 

Wednesday, June 3

A day off

Today was my day off at the Pick n' Save. Hyrum took me to the mall and I bought two dresses (I tried to take a picture of myself in one to post, but could not make my body look normal from any angle) that I have been waiting to go on sale... You can never have enough clothes, especially when your tummy is growing bigger everyday. My chest also continues to grow at a rapid rate. I think I am moving out of the cute pregnancy stage and I'm starting to feel and look very uncomfortable. I've even caught myself waddling when I walk, something I found very amusing when Sarah was pregnant. What goes around comes around I guess. 
I get to go home in less than two weeks for a doctor appt. I can't wait to go swimming and relax everyday. A break from the Pick n' Save will be nice. I've only worked there two weeks and it feels like I've been there for years with all the other workers. These people know all of the produce codes front and back. I don't even know what most of the produce is. My Mom did teach me how to clean, but somewhere along the way she left out the part about cooking.