Monday, August 15

New shoes to make up for a bad day

Yesterday zoey chipped her two front teeth. I took her to her first dentist visit and they gave us the dreaded news that the teeth are infected and both need to be extracted. She will then have no front teeth until her two year molars come in and fake teeth are purchased ( for a high, but very worth it price) and put in. It was a very rough day (mainly for me) so we went shoe shopping to recover. Zoey found some very pink princess shoes and refuses to take them off, even to sleep. If I had a new pair of jimmy choos I'd probably sleep in them too.
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Cason and Marie said...

Poor girl! But I'm sure the shoes made everything better. She is a total girl! Love it!

Anita said...

how sweet...Poor little Zoey, I hope she feels better soon. What a great mom you are. I love her sparkly pink shoes!

Karissa and Mik said...

love those pictures so cute! so sad about her teeth!